Caves and Cliffs Bingo
A Minecraft 1.17/1.18 Custom Advancements Minigame
By JashSK and seanysean
How to Play
Commands List
/trigger bookGet a game manual
/trigger chargeGet a lightning charge for advancement 9
/trigger hubTeleport to hub
/trigger pickGet a one time use silk touch pickaxe
/trigger spreadTeleport to a new location
/trigger topTeleport to the surface
UltimateHomes commands
/sethome [home name]Set a home at your location
/home [home name]Teleport to a home
/delhome [home name]Delete a home
/homesList your homes
SimpleTPA commands
/tpa [player]Request a teleport to a player
/tpacceptAccept a teleport request
/tpdenyDeny a teleport request
/backGo back to last death location
Achievement Guide